Joe (played by Ray Romano) is a divorced father of two, who owns a party store. He had dreams of being a professional golfer that he never followed through on. Owen (played by Andre Braugher) is a family man who works at his father’s car dealership. Terry is a good looking, single struggling actor. The three middle aged men have been best friends for years. Series is about what it is like to be a middle aged man in today’s world.

Episode 1: Pilot: Joe, Owen and Terry have been friends for years and are lending a shoulder and ear to each other through their mid-life challenges.

Episode 2: Let It Go: Joe has been living in a hotel room since splitting up with his wife and starts to think about renting an apartment.

Episode 3: Mind’s Eye: Owen tries something new in order to get his sales figures up.

Episode 4: The New Guy: Owen and his wife Melissa (played by Lisa Gay Hamilton) attend a charity event with Joe’s ex and her new boyfriend.

Episode 5: Powerless: Joe believes that his daughter (played by Brittany Curran) is being stalked by her ex-boyfriend.

Episode 6: Go With the Flow: Joe tells Owen and Terry about his first date in 20 years.

Episode 7: Father’s Fraternity: Both Joe and Owen are having father issues.

Episode 8: You Gonna Do That the Rest of Your Life?: Terry becomes the apartment manager of the new place he moves into.

Episode 9: How to be an All-Star: Joe puts a $25,000 bet on a basketball game in order to win enough money to buy a house.

Episode 10: Back in the S#!t: Owen looks for a job at a competing dealership.

Special Features: Deleted Scenes, Gag Reel, Behind-the-Scenes