Who as a youngster was not intrigued by pirates?  Everyone loved those rebels of the sea.  We all played pirate games when we were young making our pals walk the plank, etc. These series of episodes starring the colourful and fun loving Backyardigans really cements pirates as being seen as fun and adventurous by kids.

Episode 1: Pirate Camp: Captain Austin trains Uniqua and Pablo at Pirate Camp but trouble crops up when Ghost Tasha captures the Captain.

Episode 2: Pirate Treasure: Captain Uniua and Austin are sailing the high seas in search of treasure trying to locate it before Captain Pablo and Tyrone.

Episode 3: Sinbad Sails Alone: Sinbad (Tyrone) hits some rough sea then comes face to face with Siren Uniqua and Medusa Tasha.  He will need some help from his First Mate Pablo.

Episode 4: The Tale of the Not-So-Nice Dragon: King Pablo and his mighty knights are captured by the Not-So-Nice Dragon.  They have to count on the Flighty Fairy (Tasha) and the Grabbing Goblin (Austin) to rescue them.