Originally released in 2002 and 2004, these two films combine animation and live action to put a more modern twist on the beloved dog and his friends who have the uncanny ability to stumble onto every mystery in their path. If there is a haunted house, ghost or sea creature in the vicinity these two legged and four legged detectives will find them, be initially scared (with plenty utterings of the work “zoinks”) and then solve the mystery.
Scooby Doo
For the past two years The Mystery Gang Inc. has been all over the place. Fights have been rampant. Some criticize Freddy (played by Freddy Prinze Jr.) for being a jerk, some think Velma (played by Linda Cardellini) is looking for all the glory for herself while others think of Daphne (played by Sarah Michelle Gellar) as a bore. They have gone their separate ways and intend to stay that way. That is, until they all receive an invitation to Spooky Island.
They all accept the invitation and are surprised to see the others are there as well. Once there they go to an amusement park that seems to have an unusual effect on young people. The Gnag realizes that unless they work together that they have no hope of solving this mystery.
Scooby Doo 2: Monsters Unleashed:
It is the grand opening of the Coolsville Museum of Criminology and Scooby, Freddy (played by Freddy Prinze Jr.), Daphne (played by Sarah Michelle Gellar), Velma (played by Linda Cardellini), and Shaggy (played by Matthew Lillard) are invited to attend. Before the festivities even begin it seems like the event is in peril as a thief has broken in and stolen the costumes of the most famous villains like Black Knight Ghost, Tar Monster and Pterodactyl Ghost.
The young detectives spring into action. They are on the case. Could mad scientist Jonathan Jacobo (played by Tim Blake Nelson) be trying to recreate all these baddies? Another hunch is that the museum’s curator, Patrick Wisely (played by Seth Green), who has been acting a little guilt-like could be behind all this. Velma does not subscribe to this theory as she is over the moon for the handsome Patrick.
The Mystery Gang is racing against the clock and dealing with some pressure put on them by television reporter Heather Jasper-Howe (played by Alicia Silverstone), who is portraying them as nothing but bumbling idiots. They and the museum want the mystery solved so the grand opening can go on.
Special Features: Additional Scenes, Unmasking the Mystery Behind Scooby-Doo, Scary Places, Mystery Van, Daphne Fight Scene, Rain on the Set, “Land of a Million Drums” Music Video, Theatrical Trailer, Scooby Doo’s Triple Threat, True Ghoul Hollywood Stories, Scooby Doo Dancing Dog, Music Videos