Ready to fight at the drop of a hat, lady lover with an orangutan as his sidekick Philo Beddoe (played by Clint Eastwood) was the star of a couple of comedy action flicks at the end of the 1970s, beginning of the 1980s.  The concepts are simple and the comedy rather base but in the end the two films were hugely popular.

Of the two films I like the sequel better.  It is one of the rare times that the second film is better than the original.  It is funnier (can never get enough of that orangutan) and it is a hoot to see Eastwood play straight man to his hairy, orange co-star.

Every Which Way but Loose directed by James Fargo:

Trucker Philo Beddoe is known for his prowess with his fists.  Never a man to back down and the type that trouble just seems to find, Philo is always beating on someone.  Most of the time he is fighting because he makes some extra cash prize fighting.  He travels around the San Fernando Valley drinking beer and fighting.  His friend/promoter Orville (played by Geoffrey Lewis) and the orangutan that he won in a bet, Clyde, are usually right by his side.

This traveling man has the unexpected happen to him when he meets and falls for country singer Lynn Halsey-Taylor (played by Sondra Locke).  Lynn amscrays when she feels that Philo is getting to serious about her.  This leads to Philo, Orville and Clyde hitting the road in search of her.

Any Which Way You Can directed by Buddy Van Horn:

In an effort to make some much-needed money for his car repair shop, Philo takes on a bare-fisted prize fight.  After winning he decides that he is done – no more fighting.  But the Mafia has other ideas.  They approach him wanting to arrange a fight and Philo really has no other choice but to accept their “offer”.

Special Features: Production Notes, Theatrical Trailers, Honky Tonk Man: Eastwood Film Highlights