This faith based series is produced by Roma Downey (Touched by an Angel) and aimed at preschoolers. Using the story of Joseph and the Coat of Many Colors youngsters are taught about the letters of the alphabet. Young Alex and Zoe meet eight angels who teach them that each letter can be identified by their shape and relates each letter to images. The angels use ideas from the Bible to help remember the letters. An added bonus is how the angels also teach the two young boys about respect for others, fair play, honesty and jealousy.
Each section is quite short running around 10 minutes each. You can watch them all or one at a time. The characters are really cute and keep kids occupied and entertained.
Special Features: Sing-along Music Videos: Easy as ABC, G-H-I, Me Oh My, Q to the R to the S, W-X-Y-Z
Downloadable Activity Sheets, Downloadable Digital Copy