Intelligence and irreverence are hard to do at the same time. This animated series tries and succeeds. This series is about a family-run restaurant that is hindered by the family that owns it. The food is great but his family sabotages any success he might have.

Episode 1: Human Flesh: It is the grand re-re-re opening and Bob (voiced by H. Jon Benjamin) leaves the kids alone upstairs while he and Linda (voiced by John Roberts) go downstairs to grind the meat. A bad idea.

Episode 2: Crawl Space: Linda’s parents are coming for a visit and Bob avoids them by pretending to be stuck in the crawl space.

Episode 3: Sacred Cow: Bob is reluctantly part of a cow documentary about the cruelty of slaughtering cows for meet.

Episode 4: Sexy Dance Fighting: While recovering from a heartbreak, Tina (voiced by Dan Montz) signs up for a capoeira class when she falls for the teacher.

Episode 5: Hamburger Dinner Theater: Linda convinces Bob to allow her to do a 3 day run of dinner theater at the restaurant and he regrets it immediately.

Episode 6: Sheesh! Cab, Bob?: In order to pay for Tina’s extra special 13th birthday party Bob works as a cab driver.

Episode 7: Bed + Breakfast: Linda decides to rent out Gene (voiced by Eugene Mirman) and Tina’s rooms as a B&B to earn extra money but goes overboard.

Episode 8: Art Crawl: Linda’s sister (voiced by Megan Mullally) Gail hangs her art in the restaurant during art crawl but it isn’t exactly appropriate.

Episode 9: Spaghetti Western and Meatballs: Louise (voiced by Kristen Schaal) is not happy when Bob and Gene start bonding.

Episode 10: Burger War: The family tries to come up with an idea to pack the place for one night so they can pay rent on time and save the restaurant.

Episode 11: Weekend at Mort’s: The family stays at Mort’s for the weekend while the mold on their walls is cleaned.

Episode 12: Lobsterfest: Lobsterfest is canceled due to a hurricane and Bob insists on staying open.

Episode 13: Torpedo: Business booms when star pitcher Torpedo declares he loves Bob’s Burgers, but Bob is conflicted when he discovers that Torpedo is using grease from his burgers to cheat.

Special Features: Bob’s Burgers Original Demo with Introduction by Loren Bouchard, Louise and the Chalkboard, Audio Outtakes for “Bed + Breakfast” and “Sexy Dance Fighting”, “Lifting up the Skirt of the Night” – Music Video