Many of us know how difficult it is to live with people. Especially if those people are just roommates and not family or romantic partners. Finding a compatible roommate is tricky and made even doubly so when you yourself are not exactly human. This North American version of the popular British series is about a vampire, a ghost and a werewolf living together. You can see the problems already, can’t you?
Episode 1: It’s a Shame About Ray: It is eighteen months later and lots has changed while other things have stayed the same. Aidan (played by Sam Witwer) is still buried underground and is starving.
Episode 2: (Dead) Girls Just Wanna Have Fun: The house adjusts to Aidan being back. Josh (played by Sam Huntington) enjoys life not being a werewolf anymore.
Episode 3: These Teens They Are a Changin: Sally (played by Meaghan Rath) tires to fix things by helping Trent (played by John Bregar) get his door. Sally soon learns some of Trent’s secrets.
Episode 4: I’m So Lonesome I Could Die: Aidan mourns the death of someone he cared for. He begins to do something dangerous and so Sally steps in to help.
Episode 5: Get Outta My Dreams, Get Into My Mouth: Liam (played by Xander Berkeley) is back and intends to kill Aidan. To succeed at this he asks Nora (played by Kristen Hager) for her help.
Episode 6: What’s Blood Got To Do With It?: Sally is upset when her brother shows up. Things seem to be going well for Josh and Erin (played by Lydia Doesburg) until something bad happens.
Episode 7: One is Silver and the Other Pagan: Erin tries to kill Aidan but gets badly hurt herself. Nora blames Aidan and is mad at Josh for being loyal to him.
Episode 8: Your Body is a Condemned Wonderland: Sally is decomposing and asks her boyfriend for help. Josh and Nora take their relationship to the next level.
Episode 9: Of Mice and Wolfmen: Josh has an important question for Nora. Sally’s condition gets worse.
Episode 10: For Those About to Rot: While on a date with Kat (played by Deanna Russo) Aidan mind is flooded with memories of his wife and son. Stevie (played by Robert Naylor) begs Josh and Sally to end his life.
Episode 11: If I Only Had a Raw Brain: Locating Donna and killing her is the Sally’s only hope for survival. Kenny (played by Connor Price) keeps asking Aidan to turn him.
Episode 12: Always a Bridesmaid, Never Alive: Aidan awaits for Kenny to awaken after his transformation. Sally continues to get worse and fears she will lose her soul to Donna (played by Amy Aquino).
Episode 13: Ruh-Roh: Josh and Nora hear something shocking from Liam. Kat uncovers a secret.
Special Features: Behind the Scenes, Comic Con 2013 Panel, Bloopers, Cliffhangers