morrissey world peace is none of your businessAt this point even fans of the Smiths are growing short of patience for Morrissey. He has that way of wearing you out with his constant abrasiveness and whining. That being said the man is still making music of the solo variety and I can hardly believe it even as I write it but his latest album is filled with great songs. First, he certainly doesn’t shortchange anyone who outlays money for the confrontationally titled World Peace is None of Your Business as there are eighteen tracks. Lyrically it is pretty much what you would expect as it is filled with rages against all kinds of authority figures and people in power. If you can bear that then several of the tracks on the album will remind you of your beloved Smiths. “Oboe Concerto” and “Mountjoy” are incredibly strong in a mournful kind of way. You can tell by the titles of most of the tracks that this is not going to be an upbeat album as it contains song entitled “Drag the River”, “Neal Cassady Drops Dead”, “Earth is the Loneliest Planet” and “The Bullfighter Dies”.  If you are a fan then you would not expect any different, though. He is as scathing and forthright with his words as ever. No one escapes his wrath. Still he is able despite his curmudgeonly ways to make you smile at his wordplay like few others in music can. Another thing that has never changed about the man is his voice. Again it is a unique instrument. He can yodel, whoop and growl like nobody’s business. His phrasing is one of a kind. Kind of like the man.