suddenly at home2The play “ Suddenly at Home “, an unconventional thriller written by Francis Durbridge, is performed by the charming Pointe Ste. Charles Community Theatre group. I found their performance to be very entertaining.

The venue where it’s limited short run appears is The Old Bank at 1900 Wellington and is a delightful example of turn of the 20th century Montreal architecture which gives a feeling of being in your own living room. After the show a spread of snacks is put out and everyone has an opportunity to chat with the performers.

This surprise ending play that will keep you guessing with its twists and turns is directed by Mina Vladimir and assistant director DiAnne Giguere and features actors/actresses: Fabienne LePanse, Peggie Hopkins, George Young, Violetta Vasiliauskas, Jessica Kennedy, Christine Dandurand, Peter Reynolds and my good friend and jamming buddy, Gerry Smith.

I say that the suggested voluntary donation of $8 is extremely worth it and don’t delay reserving now at as there are only three shows left on November 20, 21 and 22 at 8 pm.