After the end of Nirvana Dave Grohl still had the urge to write, record and tour so he started up a project that he called Foo Fighters. Now twenty years later Foo Fighters are still going strong. Their latest release is called Sonic Highways and the writing of it was inspired by an eight U.S. city tour Grohl did complete with camera crew where in each of the cities he spoke to a musician of a different musical genre. So, in other words, this is a concept album. Though fans fear not as it still sounds like a Foo Fighters’ album with its thrashing guitars, choruses that build up to crescendo choruses and loads of fun rock. There are also a bunch of really cool guests to be found on the eight songs like Joe Walsh, Gary Clark Jr. and Zac Brown. The cherry on top of this already delectable sundae is the album closer, a seven minute opus called “I Am a River”. Grohl voice is filled with emotion and it is amplified by the orchestra backing him up. Very un-Foo Fighers like and yet very effective. Interesting to hear a band today that is not afraid of shaking things up and experimenting.