terminus2The Centaur Theatre play Terminus, written by Mark O’Rowe and directed by Mitchell Cushman, is a series of interlocking monologues which has previously received rave reviews and also won a Fringe First.


Bryn Mcleod, stage manager was responsible for the smooth execution of this production.


Upon entering the theatre you hear the back track of sound which is put together by Richard Feren, Music and Sound Designer. It sets the atmosphere for the dark, spooky and rhyming storytelling to come.


Sarah Dodd, Ava Jame Markus and Adam Kenneth Wilson give outstanding dramatic performances all within the limited few square feet of an orator’s soapbox.


Nick Blais has expertly crafted the stage with only a few pieces of trussing that have flexible strips of material, stretched horizontally towards the center, drawing your attention to the spot where the actors animate with their voice and body to tell their cathartic, poetic stories.


The lighting is simple and effective to enhance the drama of the often violent and occasionally sexy Quentin Tarantino-like rambles


Cultured theater patrons please beware of the profanities galore that embellish the barrage of gut wrenching helter skelter tales that rhythmically flow from beginning to end of this artistically crafted Joycean style non linear plot.