While listening to Mark Knopfler’s latest album you get the feeling that he is a man comfortable in his own skin. After so many years in the music game he knows who he is and what kind of music he wants to make. There is no overreaching because he is trying to prove something. The eleven tracks on Tracker are all fairly downtempo and soothing. Even his guitar playing (which is marvelous, don’t get me wrong) is a little in the background. Think less rock and roll and more of a focus on the stories told through the lyrics. He is looking back a lot on his life and it brings about a whole nostalgic vibe to it. Lots of looks back to his youth and evaluating what occurred. Though it is all rather mellow there is enough variety that it doesn’t fall into that background music category. There is seventies rock on “Skydiver” and Celtic rock on the track “Laugh and Jokes and Drinks and Smokes”. Another solid addition to his catalogue in that it is filled with music that will age very well.