posterMoments to Remember is a touching community stage experience that connects personal life stories to a song. Who doesn’t have a personal story linked to a particular song that brings back the feelings that they once felt? Here are some examples of the bittersweet stories that were put on stage at The Heritage Social Club in Deux Montagnes today.


Valerie’s mom, who once accidentally had a pot of scalding hot soup burn half her body and later on in life developed Alzheimers, had a devoted husband who sang to her which helped get her through rough times. Sung was her favorite, “Born Free”.


Anna, left Poland to escape the horrors of war and later to find love with her husband Albert. She sang “Oh What a Beautiful Morning”.


Martin, a Dutch man who plays guitar and sings on video, tells his success “only possible in Canada” story of how he starts out as a shipper and later becomes a bank manager. His song is “Today” by John Denver.


Sandra, tells the sentimental story of her parents love and sang “The Anniversary Song” as her parents watched and shared a tissue.


Pat shared her story of an endless Quickstep dance contest that she once won which she is reminded by when she hears the song “The Carnival is Over”.


Another Pat reminds us that it is never too late to find true love and shares her story of meeting Ken which leads into their special song “Walk Through This World With Me”


Diane sang “Try To Remember” with the help of three lovely backup girls.


Bernice fondly tells us of how years ago she got started in building a miniature Christmas village and how much it has grown through the years.

Before singing “It’s Beginning To Look a Lot like Christmas” she speaks about how she, her children and grandchildren look forward to the holiday celebration enjoying the miniature village.


Last, but certainly not least, Anita tells us about her mom, Janny, who is her hero. A Dutch holocaust survivor, who after losing her entire family was placed in a Nazi camp beat all odds and had the courage to start a new life. Having led a full life she knew that she would soon be reunited with her late husband and very recently said goodbye to her devoted daughter leaving her with a strong determination to honor her mother. A fitting inspirational “Wind Beneath My Wings” was sung.


After the presentation during the drive home my good friend Gary, a very talented graphic designer who designed the outstanding poster for this event, fondly reminisced how his Dad would always sing “That’s Amore” to his Mom and I remembered how I’d once sung “I Will” to a significant love in my life.


Most of all what stood out in my heart was thinking about how many of my own mother’s most alert and affectionate moments over that last decade of her long challenging life were spent singing “Bei Mir Bist Du Shein” with me. No matter how confused, she was always certain that she loved me, whoever I was.  It’s for sure that I will always remember her when I hear that song that linked us together!


The show “Moments to Remember” was a truly warm event that brought people together to share a community experience of personal stories and feelings that are awakened by the inspiration of the sounds of music.


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