Comedy, insights about life, fun songs, and chill songs. So as you can see this is not an album about nothing. Ok, other than the appearance by Jerry Seinfeld and that there are references to Seinfeld throughout. Rather it gives the listener a rather showing insight to the man himself. Meaning there is a lot of personal stuff in those poetic lyrics. We learn about relationships, a miscarriage, substance abuse, how he believes too much weight is put into commercial items like clothing and shoes, insecure women and even feelings of hopelessness. He is certainly not your typical rapper with an obsession with bling and bootie rather with being innovative and true to himself. The craft of music and rapping is really paid attention to. Substance is to be found here in abundance. If you are just looking for beats (which there are here as well) and nothing much else I say elevate your expectations and check out this guy. Make him your latest discovery as he deserves more attention.