For fans of hospital dramas or shows like Law & Order the format of Chicago Fire should appeal to you. It is another Dick Wolf (Law & Order series) series that focuses on the work and lives of people at a Chicago fire station. The fire scenes are tension filled and fast paced and the lives of the workers are complex and always changing. So this leads to a show you can sink your teeth into. Plus there is plenty to look at for the ladies in regards to the hot firemen.


Obviously the goal of the show is to give those watching a realistic picture of the lives of a firefighter. The personal sides ochicago fire season threef the stories allow you to connect with the characters and makes them rushing into fires and other dangerous situations all that much more tension-filled.


Season three begins with Fire House 51 still dealing with the death of one of their own in a fire. Change comes fast and furious throughout the season for all characters with relationships beginning or ending, jobs changing, friendships being tested and new people trying to fit in.


Special Features:

-Behind the Scenes – brings you behind the scenes of each episode of the season

-Previews of Chicago P.D., 12 Monkeys, Bates Motel, Covert Affairs, Parenthood, Parks & Recreation, Brooklyn Nine-Nine, Psych