Justice League Unlimited is an animated series that ran on television from 2004 to 2006. This blu-ray collection contains all episodes. It was previously released on DVD but is totally worth buying the upgrade. Fans of Marvel heroes agree that this is a must own for fans as it was one of the best overall animated series featuring the Justice League.
Warner Animation has solidified its reputation due to its diligence in remaining faithful to the source material, which is really important to ardent fans. This series came after the original Justice League and in Unlimited they do not focus on the main heroes rather almost every hero from the Marvel stable appears in the series. Interesting because there will be some that very few know anything about. A nice way to discover the lesser known heroes.
A highly entertaining series that involves mostly standalone episodes with plenty of interesting heroes and villains alike. The quality is brought forth by the colourful animation, solid stories and great voice work from the likes of Adam Baldwin, Kevin Conroy, Morena Baccarin and Carl Lumbly.
Special Features:
Creator’s Commentary on the episodes “This Little Piggy” and “The Return”
“And Justice for All”: a featurette on the process of revamping the series with new characters and a new creative direction
“Cadmus Exposed”: Mark Hamill and series creative personnel discuss this popular series story arc
“Justice League Chronicles”: The series’ writers, producers and directors discuss their favorite moments among final season episodes