As this series goes on like Sex in the City I wonder about its shelf life. How long will we find interesting the lives of these four women? Will it evolve into depicting the lives of thirty-somethings? Will their searching for the raison d’être of their lives get boring? Personally, I think it could work as long as it changes and remains relatable to the largely female audience that is growing up alongside these Girls.
You can already see that evolution in season four as the girls begin approaching something that resembles maturity. To start off with Hannah (played by Lena Dunham) travels from New York to attend the well-thought of Iowa Writers’ Workshop with the aim of becoming a “serious” writer. This leaves her relationship with Adam (played by Adam Driver) up in the air. Still in the Big Apple, Marnie (played by Allison Williams) is pursuing a music career while juggling a romantic and professional relationship with Desi (played by Ebon Moss-Bachrach). Shoshanna (played by Zosia Mamet) has started the job search/interview process after graduating while trying to figure out where her relationship with Ray (played by Alex Karpovsky) stands. And finally, Jessa (played by Jemima Kirke) is trying to lead a drama free life while attending AA meetings.
What this series does better than most is mix together comedy and heartbreak. Each facet is successful – meaning that you laugh at the jokes and shed a tear at the poignant moments. Also there are plenty of moments which you did not see coming and that keeps Girls unpredictable. Lena Dunham really knows how to craft storylines and characters that keep you interested even if you don’t see yourself in a particular one.
Special Features:
Deleted & Extended Scenes
Gag Reels
The Making of Girls – a look inside the creation of season four
Marnie & Desi’s full “Breathless” performance
Marnie’s solo “Riverside” performance
Episodic Recaps
Season 3 Recap
Inside the Episodes
Audio Commentaries – seven commentaries with cast and crew including Lena Dunham, Allison Williams, Jemima Kirke, Zosia Mamet and more.
Digital Copy