Something that millions in the UK look forward to each Christmas season is the Doctor Who special. I don’t think I am overselling it at all. For years now the Doctor Who Christmas episode has been big news. This one is especially intriguing as opposed to the twelve Doctors that have come before for this one he has no travel companion. That new wrinkle plus the fact that the wonderful Alex Kingston is back as River makes for a special worth watching several times.
Doctor Who (played by Peter Capaldi) finds himself on a far off human colony at Christmas time. He is trying his hardest to avoid all that annoying holiday cheer. Then the Time Lord requests his help with a crashed spaceship and Doctor finds himself part of River Song’s (played by Alex Kingston) squad. A chase across the galaxy ensues.
Season nine had an overall serious tone to it. This Christmas special comes in like a breath of fresh air with all its humour and good feeling. The episode is fun because it does not take itself too seriously and sweeps the viewer up in all that positiveness. Its main goal is to make you laugh. Who does not like fun and festive when it comes to Christmas specials?
Alex Kingston’s River Song is one of the best characters ever on the show. She has fun with the character each time she reappears. Though at the end I was a little sad as it seems like this is going to be her last kick at the can. On the plus side they did wrap up her character’s arc in a great way.
Special Features:
Doctor Who Extra (20 minutes)
The Adventures of River Song (10 minutes)