Few artists in recent memory have been so roundly praised by music fans and critics alike as rapper Kendrick Lamar. The man has found the winning formula. He has gone from big selling album to sold out concert to a ton of Grammy nominations and a few wins over the past twelve months. Now he can pretty much do as he pleases. Apparently what he pleases is dropping a surprise album. Where To Pimp a Butterfly was a focused and cohesive effort this one is a little bipolar. Lamar is here there and everywhere on Untitled Unmastered. Don’t take that as a negative, however. Whatever this guy spends time doing turns to gold. That despite the fact that these are obviously unfinished works. They have not even been given titles. Filled with songs that are jazzy, funky, often upbeat, occasionally hypnotizing and have a jam or freestyle feel to them. It could be that he will never finish the work he has started here but that’s alright. His unfinished stuff is still better than eighty percent of what is out there. Take this as a gift to his fans and an intimate look at how this artist goes about his craft.