Even for those who have watched this iconic British series for a long time Series Nine delves into some new and unexplored territory. This is because instead of the Doctor (played by Peter Capaldi) taking the lead his co-traveler Clara (played by Jenna Coleman) is now considered an equal. Traveling through space and time as a duo instead of a leader and his underling. It might seem like a small thing to those not familiar with the series but it is actually a big deal. Plus the chemistry between the two characters is at an all-time high.
Big adventures continue with the two facing off against an evil being named Dalek, ghosts, Vikings, Zygons, and the worst of the bunch – Missy (played by Michelle Gomez). In many episodes there are more twists and turns than in an Agatha Christie novel. It is a series that definitely goes beyond what your usual sci-fi fare serves up. Bold and daring with plenty of thrills and adventure.
Special Features:
-9xDoctor Who Extra Behind-the-Scenes Commentary
-Bonus Scenes: Series 9 Prologue & The Doctor’s Meditation
-Deleted Scenes
-Wil Wheaton Interview with Peter and Jenna
-Complete 2016 San Diego Comic Con Panel
-Featurettes: • Writing Who • Dalek Devotion • Fan Show Finest • Clara’s Journey • The Adventures of River Song • Sublime Online