justice league vs teen titansDC Universe has churned out as many as twenty-five animated films concerning their superheroes. They are not new to the game and because they have been doing it for so long are experts at giving the fans what they want…most of the time. No one is perfect.


It begins with an all-out battle having the Justice League face off against the Legion of Doom. After a lot of crash-boom-biff-and baff it ends. In the aftermath of this, the young and bratty Robin (voiced by Stuart Allan) decides now is the time to bring down Batman (voiced by Jason O’Mara). Sticky situation since Robin is Batman’s illegitimate son. Batman realizes that he is going to have to take down the whippersnapper a couple of notches. Robin cannot get out of the “suggestion” to attend a superhero teamwork building reform school. Once there he meets a wide variety of superheroes.


More interested in the action sequences than character or story development, Justice League vs. Teen Titans assumes that you already know a lot of the backstory about the characters involved. If you don’t you either have to catch on quickly or you will be left behind.


Once again Robin is the focal point of the feature. It seems like this character has gotten too much screen time over the last three Justice League animated features. And he keeps finding himself in the same types of situations where he has to learn how to work well with others or grow up. It has become a little repetitive.


Another thing that jumped out at me was that it totally seems aimed at the thirteen to fifteen age bracket.  Even the humour (there is a little bit of it) is geared towards people of that age, which is a really small age group to be going after.


Special Features:

Growing Up Titan (1080p; 23:46) background of the franchise.


Heroes and Villains: Raven (1080p; 6:05) biography of the character.


Heroes and Villains: Trigon (1080p; 5:17) does much the same for this satanic arch-villain.


A Sneak Peek at DC Universe’s Next Movie: Batman: The Killing Joke (1080p; 10:15)


From the DC Comics Vault –

Batman: The Brave and the Bold: Sidekicks Assemble! (1080p; 22:52)

Teen Titans: The Prophecy (1080p; 23:02)


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