This was the first winner for Netflix. A television series produced by them with extremely high production values that had people binge watching and talking about. A political drama that has no holds barred.
Season four begins with a battle of the titans between Frank (played by Kevin Spacey) and his always composed with Claire (played by Robin Wright). It seems like it is going to be a battle to the death (and I wasn’t sure who to put my money on as they both will do anything to win) for control in their relationship (which is totally on the rocks – though because Frank is President and running to be the candidate for the Democrats this is kept a secret) and eventually the country. Most of the focus is on the personal stuff between the long wed couple instead of the usual political drama of the series.
The first couple of episodes are ones that set the table for a return to the political drama that the series has become known for. A strength of the show is giving us a window into all that happens behind closed doors in the White House. How scandals are managed and campaigns are run. The Underwoods have a team that are experts on handling a crisis and spinning a story.
The seemingly irreparable damage inflicted on the Underwoods’ marriage is put on the backburner when the President is shot. Claire sees it as an opportunity to launch her political career and show he value to the country. Once he recovers the two realize they are more powerful together than they are fighting each other. The Underwoods are back together and pulling all the strings. Look out America.
A big theme this season is anger and fear. How the Underwoods use both emotions to get ahead and how these two words best describe the atmosphere in the United States in 2016. Race relations, immigration, a gun bill and terrorism are all delved into. The political landscape of the U.S. is prime for a lot of drama. Especially lately.
After the way season three ended the series could have gone a number of different ways but it is going back to the manipulation, lies, backstabbing and plotting that makes the series great.
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