After a listen to the soundtrack from the latest Ghostbusters film I wondered out loud what the need for four covers of the Ray Parker Jr. song “Ghostbusters”. Ok, one does not count as it is the original song by Ray Parker Jr. himself. But still. That puzzle put to the side for the moment, the rest of the album is filled with younger artists or ones that appeal to younger music fans. Artists like Elle King, Zayn Malik, Walk the Moon and 5 Seconds of Summer. Most are second rate songs that artists usually provide for film soundtracks and as such are not really offensive. That is except for the painful Fall Out Boy featuring Missy Elliott remix called “Ghostbusters (I’m Not Afraid)”. Songs like “Good Girls” by Elle King, which will have you up dancing, and “Ghoster” by UK band Wolf Alice will grow on you and are the best of the lot.