This is a step backwards for Wilco. A good thing, but be patient, all will be explained. On their tenth album the band goes back to their sound of about a decade ago which is a more folk-rock one. A total one-eighty from their last album with its hints of glam. Now they have reverted to a sound that suits them better and as a result they are sounding all kinds of confident on Schmilco. There is also an overall tone of nostalgia, intimacy and introspection involved. Songs like “We Are the World (Safety Girl)” and “Normal American Kids” show how songwriting is craft. A craft that this band has proven themselves superior at. Despite the fact that they do things better than your average bear or musician it still is not a turn off. Hardworking and with a sense of pride of where they come from (Chicago) rubs everyone the right way. A band that is highly relatable is the result. They are everyman rockers. We can all picture ourselves as part of the band. Laidback and super chill is something they do well. Songs on the album have a warm feeling to them coupled with superior production value. That is evident even though this is a fairly spare and acoustic sounding record.