Nick Burkhardt (played by David Guintoli) is not only a homicide detective but one of the last remaining hunters of supernatural creatures. This dangerous position is made even more so by the fact that last season his love Juliette (played by Bitsie Tulloch) was killed and his mother (played by May Elizabeth Mastrantonio) was beheaded. With all this loss fresh he now has to decide what he wants to do with his life going forward. Oh, and did I mention there is also the mind blowing news that he is the father of a child with a creature he once hunted, Adalind (played by Claire Coffee)? Yeah, there is that too.


grimm-season-5A decision has to be come to quickly because even more dangerous creatures or Wesen as they are known seem to be revealing themselves putting all humans in danger. The Black Claw uprising or world domination that everyone in the know has been fearing seems imminent.


Similar to the series Supernatural, Grimm will be appealing to those who like creature laden television. And the hunting them down. Which involves plenty of action. This all seems positive though there are some sticky story issues. Especially this season where about a third of the way in they drop a twist on us that just doesn’t work.


Special Features:

-Digital Copy

-Deleted Scenes

-Gag Reel

-A Grimm New World

-Unlocking the Mystery: Inside the 100th Episode

-Fome Tour

-Grimm Guide