What could be more fun than two twin genies? Especially ones that seem to be always getting into some kind of sticky situation. Trouble generally arises when the genies in training, Shimmer (voiced by Eva Bella) and Shine (voiced by Isabella Crovetti), who are allowed to grant 3 wishes per day between them try to help out their human best friend, Leah (voiced by Alina Foley).
Like most animated shows aimed at young ones Shimmer and Shine features important lessons to be learned. Each episode is a little different from the next one, but the overriding message is that it is okay to make mistakes as long as you learn from them and don’t keep repeating the same ones. Solutions to their problems are never easy despite the fact that they are aided by the 3 wishes. It takes willpower, smarts and teamwork to get out of the jams they find themselves in. A positive attitude helps and you have to be willing to own up to the mistakes you’ve made.
Kids will like it because of the fun and adventures that seem to follow Shimmer and Shine around. In almost all of the 8 episodes here kids will be introduced to some new characters like Ice Genie Layla, Lightning Genie Shaya, Nila the Mermaid, Princess Samira and sorceress Zeta. A cute show that will appeal more to girls than boys.