Eva Green in Penny Dreadful has played one of the most interesting and demanding characters ever written for television. Everything is demanded of her – emotionally, physically and talentwise. And she is more than up to the task. In this the final season she gives all. It is a stunning performance. She goes up against the formidable likes of Patti Lupone and manages to go toe to toe with the woman who usually dominates.

91CHJSexeNL._SL1500_This is a horror show. One that brings together all kinds of characters from literature and other places. Characters like Dr. Frankenstein, Van Helsing, Dracula, werewolves, witches, Dorian Grey, and Dr. Jekyll. They are all brought together in one story with Green’s Vanessa Ives as the centrepoint. She links them all. Victorian England is brought to life in a rather dark and sexual way. Evil is everywhere. Death is a certainty.

A fresh take on the horror stories and characters we are all familiar with. It goes in unexpected directions. Never allowing you to figure out its path. Though it is dark in tone there is a beauty here as well. You will find yourself cheering on characters you might have hated previously. Allowing you to delve deeper into the characters and their motivations. A delight!

As the time draws to a close for the series it reaches even further dealing with even more issues than it had previously. This is one series that is not going to slink to its end. At the end of it all you see how it was meant to be only three seasons long. Going longer would have been impossible.

Special Features:

-Hecate’s Witch Prosthetics

-The Making of Dr. Jekyll’s Lab

-Character Profiles

-Vanessa’s Costumes

-The Dead Zoo