91rdJVJ7sBL._SL1500_Science and math are at the heart of this animated series about a special bunch of cars. Cars that are able to transforms into aerodynamic race cars meant to take part in races, chases and rescues. It is a rare if not the only television series that is aimed at preschoolers that attempts to bring them into the world of engineering, math and science. Hard to believe that kids of the age of 4-5 could be interested in subjects like buoyancy or trajectory.

Demonstrates that a show can be entertaining and educational at the same time. They use young boys interest in cars to keep them interested and fun songs that teach them things without them getting bored.

A plus is that there are no scary moments which seems to be en vogue in animated shows for young ones today.  Another plus is that it is not irritating for adults. You won’t mind watching it alongside your kids.

Here there are six episodes in total from the series. The first four episodes are from season two while the two bonus episodes are from the third season.