murray mclauchlan love cant tell time19th studio album by this Canadian singer and it proves that he still has more to communicate. The 10 tracks on the album are described by him as “a great collection of songs I love to play when I have no other agenda than just to enjoy playing music.” A ringing endorsement from the veteran musician. The songs are a mix of originals with covers from yore like “Pick Yourself Up”, “Hey There” and “Come Fly With Me”. These are songs that he has used as sources of comfort and celebration. A couple of the originals “Love Just Can’t Tell Time” and “Little White Lies” were co-written with friend Alison Gordon, who passed away before the album was released. The songs and sound of Love Can’t Tell Time is a simple and basic one with the focus being McLauchlan’s acoustic guitar, his voice and Victor Bateman on stand up bass. Has to be noted that his voice sounds great! It is a rather stripped down sound, but not one that is routine in any way. There are standards here and he has breathed new life into those he has tackled and constructed the originals in manner that they fit in perfectly with the sound of the standards. Despite the fact that he is an icon on the Canadian music scene and has been at it for 50-odd years McLauchlan does not mail it in. He still allows those listening a window into who he is. Several songs are about the subject of growing older. Which he does not classify as hell nor does he say it is fun.