bring it on worldwide cheersmackSixth time is not a charm. At least when it comes to Bring It On films. There is precious little story here really. The film is just an excuse to show cheer routines set to dance music. In actuality this is not really a film but a cheer advertisement. Thankfully most of the cheer choreography is good. Not enough though that it rescues it.

It is hard to like any of the characters here as they are all so annoying. The actors who portray them are not the greatest and not helped out any by the cheesy dialogue they have to deliver and the preposterous situations they find themselves having to act out. But captain of the the team that we are supposed to be rooting for is so unlikable that it makes no sense. You end up not wanting to root for The Rebels.

Films can be cheesy and silly and still be a fun watch. That is not the case here. It takes itself a little too seriously (based on what I don’t know) and thinks it is the cutting edge of modern with all its hashtags and the like. I suspect that precious few young people who end up watching this will find anything about it cool.

Three time champion cheer squad The Rebels are challenged to a global cheer competition by up and comers The Truth. The Rebels captain Destiny (played by Cristine Properi) accepts the challenge. The Internet’s most famous cheer celebrity Cheer Goddess (played by Vivica A. Fox) organizes a virtual battle for squads from around the world to compete in. All squads are hunting for The Rebels’ title wanting to take them down. It will all come down to whether Destiny can set her ego aside and do what is best for the squad.

Special Features:

-Digital Copy


  • Around the World: Building the Squads
  • A New Routine
  • The Look of BringĀ It On: Worldwide
  • Gag Reel