71xNoZwjY1L._SL1500_A twenty-something computer geek gets involved with the CIA and dreams of becoming an agent. While attempting this he downloads an experimental government program into his brain. Now he is the Intersect 2.0. Two agents are assigned to protect Chuck (played by Zachary Levi). He begins to work with Sarah Walker (played by Yvonne Strahovski) and John Casey (played by Adam Baldwin) as part of a covert team under the command of General Beckman (played by Bonita Friedericy). Chuck stays undercover by working at electronics big box story, Buy More, with best friend Morgan Grimes (played by Joshua Gomez). He keeps who he really is a secret from his computer genius father (played by Scott Bakula) and doctor sister (played by Sarah Lancaster). Spy stuff, romance and most importantly, comedy ensues.

Though you might be thinking that this series, which lasted five seasons, sounds cheesy in a bad way but it is cheesy in a good way. Goofy characters and silly situations abound. Loads of fun. In the end, this series put leads Levi and Strahovski on the acting map. And became beloved by the type of fan who attended Comic Con.

Season Three totally delivers on several levels – comedy is quirky, action is fun and Chuck and Sarah are cute together. It is a mix of all this with great stories and plenty of fantastic music. The supporting cast, especially Gomez, all do a great job.

This season features guest appearances by Brandon Routh, Robert Patrick, Kristen Kreuk, Steve Austin, Diedrich Bader, Fred Williams, Christopher Lloyd, Tony Hale, and Swoosie Kurtz.

Special Features:

-Declassified Scenes

-Gag Reel

-Chuck-Fu…and Dim Sum: Becoming a Spy Guy

-The Jeffster: Revolution: The Definitive Mockumentary