Rare is the film which the entire family can sit down and watch/enjoy together. Here is one that fits the bill for family time. It is filled with magic, wonder and imagination. Also, features lessons about accepting each others differences, how to work within a group to achieve a goal and recognizing that we all have power and abilities within.

Good versus evil is a common theme in film. It has been done many a time. Somehow it never gets old, though. In this instance there is a little twist on the usual story. This time we learn about fighting our own inner dark side by using the strength that is inside all of us. All that without being cheesy.

On top of a solid story you also get some high grade animation. Well drawn with great scenery. A style you don’t often see, but after watching this film you’ll wish was utilized more often. Animation buffs will really enjoy the visuals. Story and visuals work well together.

Far away the Sun and the Moon only rise and shine due to the Guardians. When it becomes time for the Guardian of the moon to retire it shocks the entire community when the unlikely faun Mune (voiced by Joshua J. Ballard) is selected as the new Guardian of the Moon. It is a job that he is completely unprepared for. An accident happens that places both the Sun and Moon in peril.

816mrWHI8oL._SL1500_Seeing this and his opportunity for revenge and power, former Guardian and ruler of the Underworld Necross (voiced by Davey Grant) steals the Sun. Now the balance of night and day is in danger. Now it is up to a group including Mune, sun Guardian Sohone (voiced by Rob Lowe) and wax-child Glim (voiced by Nicole Provost) start off on voyage to get the Sun and the Moon back.

Special Features:

-Digital Copy

-The Making of Mune

-The Art of Mune

-Mune U.S. Theatrical Trailer