Normal is the new strange in Midnight, Texas. Using a novel series by Charlaine Harris, the woman behind True Blood, this series is set in a rural Texas town where no one is as they seem. Here the norm are vampires, witches, psychics, assassins, and angels. There is even a talking cat. As unlike as they might seem at first glance the residents end up banding together to ward off any unfriendlies and act pretty much as family.

If you have read the books be warned that the series is not exactly as it appears on the page. There are some differences. Though the premise is the same, so all is good. Because the writing and character development is strong in very short order you feel like you know and understand the characters. There is plenty of diversity amongst the characters which keeps things from getting dull. Yeah, they are all otherworldly in some way but with enough of a difference so that everything doesn’t become like floral wallpaper (i.e. blends together).

Despite how it would seem like there is going to be plenty of odd stuff going on here it lightens things up with a healthy dose of humour. Plenty of nodding and winking goes on in reference to the whole supernatural thing. It is all done in fun.

The intertwining of the strange and normal is really interesting. An atmosphere is built. The further things go the more you want to know.

Yes, there are cheesy moments. It starts off a little slow, but builds as the season goes on.

Special Features:


  • Deleted Scenes
  • Gag Reel