Music. Laughter. Fun. That is what Mamma Mia! is all about. On most fronts it is a success at accomplishing all this. There is little depth to be found here…or about as much as you would find in an ABBA song anyways. Dancing and singing under the Greek sun with a wedding on the near horizon. What could be more fun? Oh yeah, there is the little thing about the bride not knowing who her father is. Other than that…
Donna (played by Meryl Streep) is living the life. She is her own boss and living in the sunny paradise that is Greece. Owning her own hotel on a Greek island seems like it would equal a life many would be jealous of. It is. That is until her daughter’s wedding. The wedding itself is not the problem but the fact that Sophie (played by Amanda Seyfried) wants to invite her father. The man whom, up until this point, Donna has not revealed. Enter Bill (played by Stellan Skarsgard), Sam (played by Pierce Brosnan) and Harry (played by Colin Firth).
The music of ABBA is used as the foundation for the entire film. It was first a stage play and now a movie. The type of movie which is easy meaning it does not ask much of the viewer. Just there to be enjoyed. And sung along to. Ignore the fact that it is all rather cheesy and at times looks like something put on by a high school drama club. Just go with it and enjoy “Dancing Queen”.
Special Features:
-Digital Copy
-A Talented Trio: The Creators of Mama Mia!
-Breaking Down “Voulez-Vous”
-More of “Gimme! Gimme! Gimme!”
-Meryl’s Big Number
-Deleted Scenes
-“Gimme! Gimme! Gimme!” Music Video
-Bjorn Ulvaeus Cameo
-Anatomy of a Music Number: “Lay All Your Love on Me”