You are invited to discover Belgian imports Victoria+Jean at a 5-à-7 on May 14 at L’Esco. This show is part of a select run of Canadian dates around the band’s appearances at Canadian Music Week.

The pair launched into an uncompromising creative process together, originally hailing from different backgrounds. Victoria is a Swedish singer who rose to notoriety with her album Victoria Tibbin. Jean is the Brussels-based guitarist of The Guilty Brothers Experience – oft-compared to The Mars Volta. After a long journey building their repertoire and touring across Europe, having made only brief stops in North America for SXSW and Indie Week, the couple on stage and in life released Divine Love, which skirts sonic territory somewhere between the soft and the abrasive.

Enlivened by the adventurous sonic and visual encounters, the couple have surrounded themselves with legendary figures like John Parish (PJ HarveyGoldfrapp), Ian Caple (Tricky, Kate Bush), Rob Kirwan (The Horrors, Depeche Mode), Christopher Berg (The Knife), Joe Hirst (Stone Roses), Alistair Chant (PJ HarveyJohn Parish) and Lucas Chauvière (De La Soul). Each artist imbued the project with his or her signature, creating a bold, pure and fresh blend that builds in intensity with each track.

Divine Love reflects the duo’s own lives and shared experiences, drawing on fragments of transient voyages through distant cities and cultures. “Härligt Sverige” explores belonging and identity, incarnating Victoria’s relationship with her country in a powerful ode to the extremes of beauty and nature. This album is above all else a window to a new perspective on blind, sincere and optimistic love focused on exchange with the world.

*** INFO **

May 14, 2018
L’Escogriffe Bar Spectacle
4461 Saint-Denis | Montréal
5@7 I Free