Dipper (voiced by Jason Ritter) and Mabel Pines (voiced by Kristen Schaal) are twins. Every summer they spend with their Great Uncle Stan (voiced by Alex Hirsch) in small town Oregon. Grunkle Stan gets the twins to help him with his business which is a tourist trap called The Mystery Shack. Dipper is not as keen on it whereas the always positive Mabel believes she will find a love during her time there.
As time goes on the twins realize there might be something more to the small town of Gravity Falls than appears. While there they come in contact with some weird creatures and inexplicable happenings. Things become even more spooky after Dipper happens upon a book which might go a long way towards explaining what is occurring. The twins realize they are going to have to really lean on one another to get through this as Grunkle Stan has secrets he is hiding as well.
An animated series from Disney which ran two seasons. Gravity Falls the series has more to it than meets the eye like the town itself. There are moments of humour, sadness, poignancy, and it can also be heartwarming. During the same episode you will find yourself laughing one moment then misty eyed the next. Some have even said it is like X-Files for a younger audience. Something kids and parents can enjoy together.
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