Detective John McClane (played by Bruce Willis) of the New York City police department is in Los Angeles to spend Christmas with his estranged wife, Holly (played by Bonnie Bedelia). As he arrives he finds that Holly is in the middle of her office Christmas party, so he waits for it to finish.

During the party and McClane’s waiting a group of terrorists, led by Hans Gruber (played by Alan Rickman), takes control of the building. McClane, able to avoid being rounded up by the terrorists, tries to figure out a way to get his wife and all the other workers out safe.

Special Features:

-Digital Copy

  • Commentary by Director John McTiernan and Production Designer Jackson DeGovia
  • Scene-Specific Commentary by Special Effects Supervisor Richard Edlund
  • Subtitle Commentary by Various Cast and Crew
  • The News Casts Featurette
  • Interactive Style Gallery
  • Interactive Articles from Cinefex and American Cinematographer
  • Full-Length Screenplay
  • Trailers & TV Spots