Cheese lovers may have worried when they read that Canada’s Food Guide encourages Canadians to consume less meat and dairy and more plant-based protein. But it’s not all doom and gloom for fromage fanatics!

Fresh from celebrating their 5th anniversary with the launch of their new Ale-Aged Cheddar, one of Canada’s leading vegan cheese companies Fauxmagerie Zengarry are available to provide expert advice about how best to transition from a diet high in dairy protein, to Canada’s new Food Guide recommended plant protein-rich diet.

Previously a Health Canada government scientist for almost two decades, in 2013 Lynda Turner started Fauxmagerie Zengarry from her home kitchen. Now the company is one of Canada’s leading independent vegan cheese companies, with a 15-strong team now based out of their 5,000 sq. ft. vegan cheese factory in Alexandria, Ontario.

Potential talking points:

  • Helpful tips and suggestions for those who haven’t cooked with vegan cheese before – kitchen shortcuts, where / what to buy, what’s easier to cook than you’d think…
  • Lynda Turner, the Fauxmagerie Zengarry ‘big cheese’ could provide some simple, delicious recipes – her vegan cheese fondue and mac ‘n’ cheese are legendary!
  • New year’s resolution to get fit? The health benefits of cashew-based cheese vs. dairy could be a great addition to that new year diet!
  • As they’re 100% dairy-free, Fauxmagerie Zengarry cheeses are ideal for people who are lactose-intolerant