Montreal Digital Spring will soon be hosting the very first edition of <MTL> connect: Digital Week, a new annual event to be held from May 25th, to June 2nd, 2019. Using digital intelligence as the overarching theme, this international event aims to look across the board at the main questions related to digital development, focusing on its economic, social, cultural and environmental impacts in various sectors of activity.

The Montreal Digital Week program is structured around five thematic pavilions: Architecture and buildings; Artificial intelligence; Transportation and mobility; Health; Cultural and creative industries. Each pavilion will feature conferences, showcases and discovery areas. While the Montreal Digital Week activities open to the general public will be held over the weekends of 25-26 May and 1-2 June, the 5 day conferences targeting industry professionals will be held 27-31 May throughout various cultural, academic and industrial institutions across the city (details below and here). 

“Montreal Digital Week conveys the vision of a new world, conceived with audacity, promoting the quality and diversity of content and carrying the vision of a bold, innovative, avant-garde and human metropolis” said Suzanne Gouin, Chair of the Board of Directors of Montreal Digital Spring.

By broadening the scope of this event using a cross-cutting approach that differs from existing events and by leveraging its vast network of partners, Montreal Digital Spring aims to build a momentum that will contribute to positioning Montreal as the world capital for its digital scene. The organization will also ensure the transfer of expertise between different ecosystems and encourage the cross-fertilization of knowledge.

“Montreal is a hotbed of knowledge and an incomparable pole of innovation and creativity. Events such as the Montreal Digital Week highlight this richness and dynamism and contribute to the influence of our metropolis on the international scene” said Valérie Plante, Mayor of Montreal.

The Executive Committee of the City of Montreal provided a financial contribution of $250,000 to Montreal Digital Spring. This amount is intended to support the repositioning of the organization as well as the inception of the Montreal Digital Week. “The new positioning of Montreal Digital Spring will contribute judiciously to the priorities set out in the City of Montreal’s Economic Development Strategy. The Montreal Digital Week will not only participate in talent attraction and retention efforts, it will also contribute to the digital transition of companies as well as the commercialization of innovations” added the Head of Economic Development, Trade and Government Relations to the Executive Committee, Robert Beaudry.

Daily conference schedule, themes and venues:
May 27: Health | CHUM (Pavillon R, 900 St-Denis street, Montreal) May 28: A.I. | O Mile-Ex (6650 St-Urbain street, Montreal)
May 29: Architecture | CCA (1920 Baile street, Montreal)
May 30: Creativity | McCord Museum (690 Sherbrooke West street, Montreal)
May 31: Mobility | Centre for Sustainable Development (50 Sainte-Catherine West street, Montreal)

Select keynote speakers / interview opps:
Dr. Ann Cavoukian: Distinguished Expert-in-Residence at Ryerson University and one of the world’s leading privacy experts
Florian Grond: McGill University postdoctoral fellow in Biosignal Interaction and Personhood Technology
Michael Lewrick: international best-selling author, speaker, and Head of Innovation Labs at Deloitte, Zurich
Patrizio Carlucci: Head of Innovation Lab, Ecco Shoes, Amsterdam
Luba Elliott: Curator and researcher specialising in artficial intelligence in the creative industries About Montreal Digital Spring and Digital Week: