Artificial intelligence takes over the dome, choose your own adventure immersive reading, autumn gastronomy, electro concerts and much more…
The Society for Arts and Technology is proud to announce its 2019 fall-winter programming, where immersion, music concerts, local and creative gastronomy, as well as ongoing training for digital artists blend together. The SAT is putting together an emotionally-charged season. Let us take you through the highlights of the upcoming months at the SAT.
IMMERSION Satosphère Internationally recognized for its role in the development of immersive technologies (fulldome, virtual reality, etc.) as well as interactivity, the SAT continues to push the boundaries of immersive creation by presenting a series of increasingly innovative projects. From geological data integration to artificial intelligence and immersive literature, here are some projects to keep an eye on in the Satosphère! |
Le parfum du jour est fraise
As part
of the Festival international de la littérature, taking place from September 29
to October 12, Le parfum du jour est fraise – the first literary project
to be shown in the Satosphère – will be presented. This first immersive reading
of Pascale Petit’s book of poetry will be done by none other than director
Christian Lapointe, an important actor in Quebec’s creative theatre. Like in
“choose your own adventure” books, the audience members will find themselves
trapped inside the book by a subtle psychological game, and feel as though they
are being addressed and watched…
Las pintas
SPATIALIZATION AND SOUND EXPERIENCES With Las pintas, the Franco-Chilean duo composed of José Miguel Fernandez and Raphaël Foulon present the fruit of their cross residency with IRCAM (the Institute for Research and Coordination in Acoustics/Music). The project focuses on the sound aspect and sound spatialization of the dome. In a rather spectacular way, the artists explore the feedback and bidirectionality effects (sound and visuals simultaneously controlling each other) enabled by the 157-speaker dome. This project will be presented in collaboration with the Akousma concert series, and as a double feature with Cosmic Polarizations, a work by artist Teresa Carasco, who also created an exclusively sonic work in the dome in 2018: Hidden Dimensions. This time, she will present an audiovisual work. Live performances from October 15-19 and broadcast October 22-26 and 29-30.
Empty Vessels ROBOTICS, ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE From November 5 to 9, audiences will be treated to Empty Vessels, by Montreal Life Support and Woulg, a performative installation that blends robotics, artificial intelligence, sound and visuals. Three on-site cellos are controlled by artificial intelligence while the two musicians play. We explore the Satosphère’s sound spatialization potential while visuals are generated from the same AI sources creating sounds and manipulating audio. -22,7°C, Aux confins du Grand Nord GREAT NORTH, LANDSCAPE, INTERACTIVITY |
Mutations GEOLOGY AND TECHNOLOGY A Montreal project on the processing of geological information, artists Myriam Boucher and Maxime Corbeil-Perron offer us a work that draws a parallel between sound, visual and geological stratification. Like in Live-Cinema, the project involves the direct manipulation and processing of visual and sound material coming from rocks and various minerals. The recording and broadcasting will be done using a 360-degree spherical camera, microscopes, magnifying glasses and microphones. Presented from November 19 to 23. Substrat – Season 3 (#5, #6 and #7) NEW SOUND EXPERIENCES |
VISUAL ARTS, CONFERENCE French transmedia and feminist plastician artist ORLAN honours us with her presence during her conference Femme avec tête(s), on October 2. A pioneer of the use of biotechnology in contemporary art (technology applied to the living body), the artist will come discuss her work concerning the aesthetic canons assigned to women! MUSIC HALLOWEEN |
Labo Culinaire Foodlab
For the autumn season, Labo Culinaire Foodlab chef Timothée Vielajus will do everything possible to work and preserve the last fresh vegetables of the year. Neglecting the quality and richness of our local foods during the coming cold period is not an option. The best arrivals of squash, autumn raspberries, and various varieties of apples and pears will therefore be featured in the creation of new dishes on the menu. Not to be missed: on November 20, the Labo Culinaire Foodlab team will welcome Le Butterblume for a collaborative dinner. On the menu: dishes that celebrate the end of summer harvests and extend towards those of the holiday season.
Café SAT
La SAT is introducing a new FREE program: La Station is a digital arts meetup aimed at stimulating curiosity and creativity, meeting and sharing with creative people from the community, as well as learning in an unconventional way. La Station offers different types of short and spontaneous sessions over a varied schedule in Café SAT’s warm atmosphere.
La Station will begin its activities on October 15, 2019. To participate, people can now register for free by sending an e-mail to
For more details on programing, visit