Let’s do the Time Warp… Again! |
Montreal, |

Tranna Wintour is returning as MC and will host the six uninhibited shows. This seductive and hilarious entertainer will be there to announce this year’s costume contest winners and get the audience aroused for all the on-screen and off-screen action.
The ONLY event in town offering you the immersive experience of the original cult film projected on the big screen while a live cast performs on stage!

The student night
is back by popular demand! For the Friday,
November 1st shows only,
students with a valid student ID will get $5 off the ticket
price. A limit of two tickets per student.
Tickets are
$19.95 (+ txs & serv.) on our website and at our two store locations or
$21.95 (+txs & serv.) at the door.
Sold at the following locations:
Boutique Créatures – 171 Mont-Royal E. (Mont-Royal metro)
Capitaine Québec – 1837D Ste-Catherine W. (Guy or Atwater metro)

Additional information available on their website: www.rockyhorrormontreal.com