Infinithéâtre presents
A world premiere in English, French, Cree and Kanienʼkéha
Fight On!
Written by Guy
With ironic and
iconic comments by Drew Hayden Taylor (Anishnawbe, Curve Lake)
Directed by Guy
Mask Master is
Brian Smith, Puppet Master Zach Fraser
Featuring: Anna Burkholder, Noel Burton, Brefny Caribou-Curtin, Tyson Houseman,
Josh Johnston, Warona Setshwaelo, Ivan Smith, Michaela Washburn, Eric Woolfe
Mark these dates in
your spring calendar:
Monday, March 16 – Sunday, March 29, 2020
A historical, epic combining and refining of Fight
On! Parts One and Two, Fight On! is a recounting of
the occupation and colonization of the Canadian West inspired by the real-life
adventures and misadventures of Francis Dickens, son of Charles Dickens and
member of the North-West Mounted Police.
Jeffery Dickens arrives in Canada in 1874 with all the prejudices and
presumptions of a white colonist/settler. After serving 11 years as a member of
the North-West Mounted Police, Frank is horrified by the mendacity and theft
that robbed the Indigenous Peoples of their lands. He learns to respect the
traditions and wisdom of First Nations culture and begins to understand the
urgent need to live in harmony with Mother Nature.
On! (full production) March 16-29
Infinithéâtre at Centre St Jax, 1439 rue
Sainte-Catherine Ouest
Opening night is Tuesday, March 17 at
The show runs: Mon.-Sun. 7:30pm—NO SHOW ON SATURDAYS
Tickets: $20-$30; 4-Play
voucher*: 4 tickets for $100, taxes included (regular price $120) *by
contacting the box-office
Box office:(514)
987-1774 #104, or online
Post-show Artist Talks after