SAVE YOURSELVES!, the pre-apocalyptic rom-com that premiered at this year’s Sundance Film Festival, follows a young hip Brooklyn couple, Jack (John Reynolds) and Su (Sunita Mani), who take a hiatus from technology only to miss the news that aliens have attacked Earth.


Monday, March 16th at 5:00pm ZACH Theatre – 202 S Lamar Blvd, Austin, TX 78704

SXSW Film Page

Directors: Alex Huston Fischer & Eleanor Wilson

Producer: Kara Durrett, Mandy Tagger, Adi Ezroni

Principal Cast: John Reynolds, Sunita Mani, Ben Sinclair, John Early, Johanna Day, Gary Richarson, Jo Firestone, Zenobia Shroff, Amy Sedaris

Synopsis: Jack (John Reynolds) and Su (Sunita Mani) are a hip Brooklyn couple stuck in their device dependent lives. After an inspiring conversation with their surfer/conservationist friend, Raph (Ben Sinclair), they seize the chance to take a tech-free week in the country, in an attempt to reconnect to a more authentic, grounded life. Cut off from the outside world, they miss the news that aliens have attacked Earth. Save Yourselves! is a pre-apocalyptic rom-com, satirizing our modern self-obsessed society and failure to see the bigger picture.

Screening Section: Festival Favorites

Screening Format: Narrative Feature

Run Time: 93 minutes