The ties that bind. Family ties. They are complex, are they not? Even for the most “normal” of families. One would never mistaken Maleficent (played by Angelina Jolie) and Aurora (played by Elle Fanning) for a “normal” family. Well, actually Aurora is rather normal, it is her stepmother who is a different story altogether.

This lack of normalcy leads to a rather tricky predicament when Aurora comes to Maleficent one day to tell her the good news. That being that Prince Philip (played by Harris Dickinson) has proposed and she has accepted. They are to be wed. A normal reaction would be happiness that your step daughter has found someone to spend her life with. Someone she loves. But instead, Maleficent is furious. She forbids the marriage.

There is plenty of history between the two families. Though there has been five years of peace previous to that there was conflict. Now, the marriage is seen as a way of solidifying the peace. King John (played by Robert Lindasy) and Queen Ingrith (played by Michelle Pfeiffer) are thrilled. It is to be the unification of the fairy world of the Moors and the Kingdom of Ulstead.

But it seems like the Queen might have an ulterior motive. One that will mean danger for the inhabitants of Maleficent’s kingdom. Will love reign? Or will war rear its ugly head yet again?

Though this is primarily a movie for young people it is rather intense or dark. Probably not suitable for the very young as they might be frightened. Due to some battle scenes and the overall scariness of the main character.

Though for the older ones it is a nice companion piece to the original Maleficent film. One which showed that a character we might have once thought of as purely evil is actually nuanced and also probably has reasons why they are like they are. That they themselves have suffered trauma. Like Maleficent. As such, she has become a kind of anti-hero for some.

Once again Angelina Jolie demonstrates she was the perfect choice to play this character. You need someone who can do frightening yet regal. Scary yet beautiful. Harsh yet capable of tenderness. Jolie, a very talented actress -something we tend to forget due to her overshadowing persona, has all those tools in her tool belt. This time she goes up against the same type of actress from the generation before – Michelle Pfeiffer. Having the two ethereal beauties, who also are great actresses, in the same film brings plenty to it. Seeing the two go head to head on the screen is totally worth the price of admission.

Visually the picture is a sight for all kinds of eyes. Meaning it is beautiful to look at. All the magic of Disney is there to behold. From the scenery to the costumes all is marvellous. Then there are plenty of special effects to amplify the story as needed.

Special Features:

-Digital Copy

-“You Can’t Stop The Girl” Performed by Bebe Rexha

-Aurora’s Wedding

-Extended Scenes – Philip And Aurora Dance

-Extended Scenes – The Queen Comforts Aurora

-If You Had Wings

-Maleficent: Mistress Of Evil VFX Reel

-Origins of the Fey
