It was a big night for COME TRUE director Anthony Scott Burns, who came away with six awards from the 9th annual Blood in the Snow Film Festival (BITS). Dubbed “The Bloodies”, the awards recognize the best in Canadian horror, sci-fi, and genre filmmaking. For the first time ever, the awards show was broadcast on national television on Super Channel, the presenting partner for this year’s festival.

COME TRUE was the big winner of the night, taking the awards for Best Feature, Best Actress (Julia Sarah Stone), Best Cinematography, Best Score, and Best Screenplay. It was also the recipient of the first Ryan Nicholson Special Effects Makeup Award for makeup artist Boriana Karan. This award has been dedicated to makeup effects artist Ryan Nicholson, who passed away in 2019, for the tremendous impact he made on the Canadian film industry. 

In other notable awards, Montreal director Francesco Giannini took the Best Director award for HALL, Best Short Film went to Marco Baldonado for TOTO, and Best Editing went to Steve Vielleneuve for HAIL TO THE DEADITES, a film celebrating the fans of the Evil Dead horror franchise.

Canadian legend Julian Richings won the award for Best Actor for his role in ANYTHING FOR JACKSON. Best Ensemble went to FOR THE SAKE OF VICIOUS, to both the acting and stunt teams in this gonzo action thriller.

The 2020 Blood in the Snow Film Festival was broadcast nationally on Super Channel from October 28 through November 7, a first for the festival which normally takes place in person in Toronto.

2020 Bloodies Award Winners:

Best FeatureCOME TRUE, Director – Anthony Scott Burns. Producers – Mark Smith, Steve Hoban.

Best Short Film – TOTO, Director – Marco Baldonado. Producer – Jeremiah Lapointe. Exec Producers – Simon Dragland, Rita Popielak, Mark Zibert.

Best Digital Series – ESLUNA: THE FIRST MONOLITH, Director – Denver Jackson. Producers – Daniel Hogg, Denver Jackson.

Best Actor – JULIAN RICHINGS, Anything For Jackson

Best Actress – JULIA SARAH STONE, Come True

Best Ensemble – FOR THE SAKE OF VICIOUS for the acting and stunt team

Best Director – FRANCESCO GIANNINI, Hall

Ryan Nicholson Special Makeup Effects Award – BORIANA KARAN, Come True

Best Cinematography – ANTHONY SCOTT BURNS, Come True

Best Music Score – ELECTRIC YOUTH and PILOTPRIEST, Come True

Best Editing – STEVE VILLENEUVE, Hail to the Deadites

Best ScreenplayANTHONY SCOTT BURNS, Come True

Best Poster – FILIP IVANOVIC, Hail to the Deadites

 About Blood in the Snow

The Blood in the Snow Film Festival is a unique and imaginative showcase of contemporary Canadian horror, genre and underground cinema that exists to challenge social boundaries, explore artistic taboos and support and exhibit independent Canadian genre media artists. BITS takes place in Toronto, Ontario and brings together audiences, media coverage, community partnerships and the filmmaking industry to exhibit and celebrate Canadian genre film.