Acceptance of homosexuality and same-sex marriage has increased dramatically over the past two decades, but this expanding approval from society at large does nothing to negate the internal struggles that most gay men face — particularly young gay men — in response to familial and societal expectations. Their road toward self-discovery is long and arduous, pockmarked by generational biases and homophobic messaging. An introspective tug-of-war wages each time a new milestone approaches, and with no clear path in sight, many gay men simply find themselves in a proverbial roundabout, trapped in an endless loop of no-win situations.

“If we don’t live honestly and openly, we won’t have the skills, wisdom, or relationships necessary to manifest our dreams,” says Britt East, author of A Gay Man’s Guide to Life: Get Real, Stand Tall, and Take Your Place. “But when we do come out, we must confront the full force of societal homophobia, and consider a variety of questions.”

Among those uncertainties are how to create a family without mimicking the norms of a straight society; how to overcome internalized homophobia and cultivate sustainable gay friendships; and, in a world of hook-up apps and disposable relationships, how to find lasting love.

A Gay Man’s Guide to Life, which ispart memoir and part inspirational guidebook, addresses these crucial topics and many others, through the lens of a gay man, for gay men everywhere.

Britt candidly and vividly shares his own traumatic, personal journey, and uses his experiences and insights to inform an approachable, no-nonsense path to help gay men set down excuses and get to the business of improving the most important facets of their lives, including body, mind, spirit, career, family and more. He offers hope and support, giving readers the sense of family that perhaps they never had. A Gay Man’s Guide to Life is not comprised ofnew-age mumbo jumbo or wishy-washy self-help jargon. It is about real work focused on real results to help members of the gay community.

At its core, A Gay Man’s Guide to Life is a manual for personal growth and development, with plenty of pragmatic advice to challenge and inspire gay men to uncover their true selves and live their best lives. 

Britt East is an author and speaker who uses his experience, strength and hope to challenge and inspire change-oriented gay men to get down to the business of improving their lives. With over two decades of personal growth and development experience in a variety of modalities, such as the 12 Steps, Nonviolent Communication, yoga, meditation, talk therapy and the Hoffman Process, Britt is committed to building a personal practice of self-discovery that he can then share with gay men everywhere. He lives in Seattle with his husband and their crazy dog.

For more insights from the author, please visit, or follow him on Instagram (@britteast); Twitter (@britteast); or Facebook (@brittdawsoneast).

A Gay Man’s Guide to Life: Get Real, Stand Tall, and Take Your Place

Publisher: Houndstooth Press

ISBN-10: 1544509227

ISBN-13: 978-1544509228

Available from,, Apple Books and many online outlets