The environmental documentary film festival will be held entirely online from April 13 to 24, 2021, with the exception of the opening night in theatres at the Cinéma du Musée on April 13th with the presentation of the film Once You Know by French director Emmanuel Cappellin. Throughout the festival there are 9 feature films, and 5 short films that will be presented for free online. The films presented will be accompanied by live discussions with filmmakers and experts on the biggest environmental issues of the day, in order to open spaces for dialogue, and to promote the exchange of ideas around the ecological transition and the identification of solutions to contribute actively. As usual, the Festival will also offer panels as well as several activities in addition to the films.
So it is at the Cinema du Musée on Tuesday, April 13, 2021 at 6:45 p.m., during a special evening in theatres that the festivities will be launched with the screening of the film Une fois que tu sais, to all at the regular rate of $13.50. The film will also be available on the platform Të the same day, starting at 7 p.m. On Wednesday, April 14 at 7:30 p.m., Emmanuel Cappellin, director of the film, will be present as part of a panel discussion surrounding the film, live on Facebook.
THE FEATURE LENGTH FILM PROGRAMME presented on the Të platform
All feature films will be available for free for 3 days (with the exception of the closing film Je m’appelle humain, which will be broadcast for only 1 day) on Të They will all be accompanied by a live discussion on Facebook.
- Une fois que tu sais by Emmanuel Cappellin / April 13-16
2020 | France | 64 min | French/English V.O. | French/English subtitles | Canadian premiere
Faced with the reality of climate change and the depletion of resources, director Emmanuel Cappellin realizes that a collapse of our industrial civilization is inevitable. But how can we continue to live with the idea that human existance as we know it can fail? In search of answers, he meets experts and scientists such as Pablo Servigne, Jean-Marc Jancovici or Susanne Moser. All call for collective and solidarity action to prepare for the most humane transition possible.
Panel discussion on April 14, 2021, at 7:30 p.m., live on Facebook, in the presence of director Emmanuel Cappellin and Susanne Moser, who is in the film, and who is director and researcher at Susanne Moser Research and Consulting.
- La terre du milieu of Juliette Guignard / April 14-17
2020 I France I 57 min I V.O. French I English subtitles | Canadian premiere
Camille became a peasant. As they say of someone living in the country. She chose the Creuse, a rough and supple land, laborious and luminous. It is experiencing a growing rejection of the agricultural standards that control its production. Raising your three children, taking care of your animals and plants, will always be more important than yield. In the mirror, children also learn to make choices in front of the standards imposed on them by the school.
Discussion with the director on April 16, 2021, at 5 p.m., live on Facebook.
- Le périmètre de Kamsé by Olivier Zuchuat / April 15-18
2020 | Switzerland/France/Burkina Faso | 93 min | V.O. Mooré | French subtitles | Canadian premiere
In northern Burkina Faso, desertification is eating away at land and immigration is emptying villages. In Kamsé, the remaining inhabitants embarked on a pharaonic project: digging in the furnace, with a shovel and pick axe, a network of ponds, and then planting thousands of trees to green and fertilize the areas conquered by the desert. A battle waged by the women who transform the perimeter of Kamsé with the strength of their arms.
Panel discussion on April 17, 2021, at 5 p.m., live on Facebook with director Olivier Zuchuat, Jean-Pierre Faye, environmentalist and environment program manager at the Environnement au Groupe de Recherche et d’Appui aux Initiatives Mutualistes (GRAIM), and Sandrine Kaneho, volunteer at the l’Association de Lutte pour un Développement Intégré et pour la Protection de l’Environnement ALDIPE) in Benin.
- Fast Fashion by Édouard Perrin and Gilles Bovon / April 17-20
2021 | France | 90 minutes | French version | Canadian premiere
Making a dress for a dozen euros, in the heart of Europe and in less than 15 days: it’s not only possible, but it’s becoming the norm. Since the apparel industry took the turn towards Fast Fashion, it’s always faster, always cheaper.
Panel discussion on April 19, 2021, at 7:30 p.m., live on Facebook with directors Gilles Bovon and Édouard Perrin and Marie Geneviève Cyr, professor of Fashion Design at the Parsons School of Design in New York.
- Le dernier tuyau by Olivier D. Asselin / April 18-21
2021 | Quebec | 42 min | French V.O. | International premiere
Eight young vegans cross the snowy expanses of the Saguenay investigating the Quebec LNG project. After rich exchanges with scientists, politicians, activists and workers, they are ready to take action…
Panel discussion on April 20, at 7:30 p.m., live on Facebook with the director, as well as Michel Rondeau, student life facilitator at the Cégep de Saint-Laurent, and Jayann Bertrand, student, both of whom were part of the documentary project.
- Sol souverain by David Curtis / April 19-22
2019 | Canada | 91 min | English V.O. | French subtitles
At the end of the Canadian boreal forest, outside the small subarctic town of Dawson City, Yukon, a handful of farmers grow everything; brussels sprouts covered in apple snow. With hard work and know-how, they managed to develop small plots of fertile land, in an expanse of wilderness.
Discussion with the director on April 21, 2021, at 7:30 p.m., live on Facebook.
- Recettes pour un monde meilleur by Benoît Bringer / April 20-23
2020 | France | 69 min | French/English version | Dubbed in French | Canadian premiere
This film tells the story of women and men around the world who are inventing another food model that benefits the planet, nature and our health. From the creation of municipal farms for 100% organic short-circuit canteens, to anti-waste cooking methods. From turning our food waste into compost, to reducing our meat consumption. From the provision of shared gardens for the most disadvantaged, to the support policies of small independent producers. The solutions are there, at your fingertips.
Panel discussion on April 22, 2021, at 7:30 p.m., live on Facebook with Erika Salem, program manager at the Montreal Food System, Murielle Vrins, program manager – Institutional Food at Équiterre, and Guillaume Cantin, CEO of La Transformerie.
- Douce France by Geoffrey Couanon / April 21-24
2020 | France | 96 min | French V.O. | Canadian premiere
Amina, Sami and Jennyfer are high school students in the Paris suburbs of 93. With their class, they embark on an unexpected investigation into a gigantic project of a leisure park and shops that involves urbanizing agricultural land close to their neighborhood. But do you have the power to make decision about your neighbourhood when you are 17? Funny and intrepid, these young citizens take us to meet locals, real estate developers, farmers and even elected representatives of the National Assembly. A joyful quest that shakes up conventional wisdom and rekindles our connection to the earth!
Panel discussion on April 23, at 5 p.m., live on Facebook with director Geoffrey Couanon among others. More guests to come.
- Je m’appelle humain by Kim O’Bomsawin / April 23-24
2020 | Quebec / Canada | 78 min | French V.O. / Innu | French subtitles
When the elders leave us, a connection with the past disappears with them. The Innu woman and poet Josephine Bacon embodies this generation witnessing a time soon to be gone. With charisma and sensitivity, she fights against the oblivion and disappearance of a language, a culture and its traditions. Following in the footsteps of Papakassik, the master of caribou, Je m’appelle humain proposes a foray into the history of a multi-millennium people alongside a free woman who has dedicated her life to passing on her knowledge and that of her ancestors. In her language, Innu means “human.”
Discussion with the Innu poet and director Josephine Bacon on April 24, 2021, at 7:30 p.m., live on Facebook.
All discussions will be broadcast on the Facebook pages of Ciné Vert, SUCO, Funambules Media, the House of Sustainable Development, associate partner of Ciné Vert, but also on those of presenting partners and collaborators of the festival.
presented on Télé-Québec’s La Fabrique culture
The short film section includes 5 short documentaries related to the environment, broadcast for free for one week!
- Cours vers la transition! – April 16-23
The films are: L’éléphant blanc du Saint-Laurent by Nicolas Coupet (Canada); Cortney by Charles Vincent (Quebec / France); Covid-19: L’alimentation de demain by Jérémie Battaglia (Quebec); Lost World by Kalyanee Mam (Cambodia / USA); Lowland Kids by Sandra Winther (USA)
The screening of the short films will be accompanied by a live exchange on Facebook on April 20 at 5 p.m., with directors Nicolas Coupet, Charles Vincent, Sandra Winther and Jérémie Battaglia.
In addition to the broadcasts, Ciné Vert offers the public various activities such as a multidisciplinary art exhibition, a large discussion panel and a participatory workshop.
- PRUNELLE Exhibition / April 13-24, 2021
Ciné Vert is once again teaming up with Gallea to present the exhibition PRUNELLE! This year, the works on display call into question the being and its environment through the theme of ecological transition.
The exhibition will be available on the Gallea website for the duration of the festival! A virtual opening will take place on Thursday, April 15 at 7:30 p.m.
- Discussion panel: Can we get out of our dependence on pesticides?
April 16, 2021, 12:15 p.m. |
Presented in collaboration with GMO Vigilance
Journalist Gabrielle Lamontagne-Hallé will discuss the stopping of our dependence on pesticides as a society and the measures to be put in place to achieve this, together with Louis Robert, agronomist at the Quebec Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food (MAPAQ) and whistleblower, by Caroline Poirier, President of the Coopérative pour l’Agriculture de Proximité Écologique (CAPÉ) and owner of the Croque-Saison farm, and Thibault Rehn, Coordinator at GMO Vigilance.
- Participatory Workshop Towards Change / April 22, 2021, 5:30 p.m.
Presented in collaboration with Concertation Montreal
This workshop aims to offer a space for discussion and virtual meetings for people, organizations and citizen movements interested and mobilizing around social and environmental causes. On Earth Day, participants and representatives of various organizations will have the opportunity to discuss issues of sustainable food, land use and resource use. Participating organizations to come
Ciné Vert is a festival of documentary films on the environment, with the mission of supporting the ecological transition. Through its various components, combining documentary cinema on the environment and activities of exchanges and reflections that promote public debate, it allows to initiate a process of mobilization and citizen engagement, leading to actions and initiatives in the field of ecological transition. Ciné Vert is a co-production of SUCO and Funambules Media.