Series of projections which focus on the links between feminism and cinema.

Presented by Festival Filministes, it will feature seven short films which will allow you to discover filmmakers from here and elsewhere.

On the programme: La Claque by Claire Renaud, Pitoc e icinakosian by Jos-Onimskiw Ottawa-Dube and Gerry Ottawa, Raconte-moi mon corps by Nadia Louis-Desmarchais, Y’a pas d’heure pour les femmes by Sarra El Abed, Mathilde et la Love Room by Chantal Limoges, Soucy Tainha by Sergio Bioch, and La chamade by Emma Semeria.

When: Thursday, July 22 @ 8:45

Where: Place de la Paix (entrance at the corner of St. Dominique and Place du Marche)