There are a myriad of military films and series which deal with the battles and not with the personal side of the soldiers involves. Here with the CBS series SEAL Team, we get a little bit of a peek behind that curtain. A look into how what they have to do and see takes its toll even on the best of soldiers. Season four involves several characters at points in their lives where they have to make major decisions.

SEAL Team follows a team of highly trained, elite American soldiers who are lead by Special Operator Jason Hayes (played by David Boreanaz) and have to train for, plan and then carry out dangerous, high stakes missions. Bravo Team is comprised of Ray Perry (played by Neil Brown Jr.), Clay Spenser (played by Max Thieriot), Mandy Ellis (played by Jessica Pare), Sonny Quinn (played by A.J. Buckley), Ensign Lisa Davis (played by Toni Trucks), and dog Cerberus.

Military life is not easy, I think we all know that. This series, despite some flaws, is at its best when it attempts to depict that. Showing how it affects not only the soldier but their family, romantic relationships and friends. Seal Team has a variety of characters showing different aspects of being a member of the military. The complexities are there and the characters are human or flawed.

There is some action, but in many respects that is not the raison d’etre of the show. With the emotional and psychological elements added in, there are levels here. That being said as I watched I could not help but wonder why these same complexities or layers were not added to the Muslim characters.

Season four has a couple of interesting storylines involved in the 16 episodes especially the one which kicks off the season – Ray Perry being in an explosion in Tunisia then disappearing. The team desperately tries to find him. Then when Jason is accused of committing a horrific act during a mission. This accusation, which he is put on trial for, puts his career in jeopardy.

Special Features:

-Gag Reel

-Deleted/Extended Scenes

-Nothing Fake About It: The Props of SEAL Team

-Operation Puerto Rico

-The Only Easy Day Was Yesterday: SEAL Team Session