Heirdoms, written, directed and produced by Emmanuel Tardif. The film stars Martin Dubreuil, Félix Grenier, Charlotte Aubin, Léa Roy and Lucette Chalifoux. It will open in theatres in Quebec on October 8.
A family mediator tries to resolve a crisis in the home of Joseph. Since Roxanne has left him, he has forbidden her from seeing their son Mathieu, and he has deviously sequestered him on their country property. Wallowing in the silence and void created by Roxanne’s absence, Joseph and Mathieu spiral down.
Psychological drama. Quebec, Canada. 2021. 70 minutes.
Original French version with English subtitles.
Director: Emmanuel Tardif | Script: Emmanuel Tardif | Cinematography: François Herquel | Editing: Emmanuel Tardif | Sound design: François Lacasse | Sound mix: François Lacasse | Sound recording: Pierre Cautain | Sound Mix: Pierre Cautain | Art direction: Geneviève Boiteau | Colourization: Joseph Cadieux | Music: Julien Racine | Production assistant: Alice Germain | Production: Les Rapailleurs (Emmanuel Tardif) | Distribution: Les Films du 3 Mars
Website: f3m.ca/en/film/heirdoms
Facebook: facebook.com/Soumissions.film
Instagram: instagram.com/lesrapailleurs